About Us

Introducing J-CROSS

We are proud to introduce the establishment of J-CROSS (Japan Commission for the Regulation of Overseas Study Services). This non-profit organization has been created to provide a new system for certifying businesses that take part in the Japanese overseas study industry.

Developing employees who can make an impact on a global level has become an important topic in Japan. Moreover, our country has made vitalizing the overseas study sector a clear priority. However, a number of challenging issues have recently surfaced within Japan's overseas study industry. These include the bankruptcies of several study abroad agencies and legal actions involving how cancellation fees are handled.

To deal with these issues and improve the health of the industry, the three organizations listed below began collaborating with each other beginning in July of 2010. During this process, they also received guidance and support from relevant Japanese governmental agencies (see below).

Participating Overseas Study-Related Organizations

JAOS (Japan Association of Overseas Studies) - Organization that represents the interests of study abroad-related businesses.
JATA (Japan Association of Travel Agents) - Organization that represents the travel industry. Among its members is CIEL (Council of International Education & Language Travel, Japan), which conducts research on overseas and language study.
SASC (Study Abroad Support Council) - Consumer-centered NPO that focuses on consumer consultation and dispute settlement within the study abroad industry.

Participating Japanese Governmental Agencies

● Consumer Affairs Agency
● Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
● Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
● Japan Tourism Agency

Roles of J-CROSS

As a result of these joint efforts, the J-CROSS organization was officially established on November 25, 2011. As a 'mother institution' to the three organizations that helped set it up, J-CROSS checks whether or not individual overseas study-related companies are complying with a set of concrete criteria. Put simply, from a third-party perspective, J-CROSS acts as a certifying body. Below is a list of the primary areas that we will investigate when certifying a business.

Selected Certification Criteria

■ Contractual Explanation - How well does the contract explain program content and 'Substantive Matter'?
■ Delivery of Written Materials - Are written contracts and other important materials produced and delivered?
■ Adequate Contractual Modifications - Does the contract contain an appropriate cancellation policy?
■ Advertising - Are all claims and promotional materials accurate?
■ Advance Deposits - Are appropriate measures being taken to safe-guard consumers when they pre-pay for housing and tuition?
■ Financial Stability - Has the business proved it is financially stable by providing us with at least 3 years worth of financial statements?

J-CROSS Diagram of Activities

Institutions certified by J-CROSS will be registered and listed on our website. Moreover, these businesses will be allowed to put our organization's 'Mark of Certification' on their pamphlets and other promotional materials.

J-CROSS Board of Directors

President SUZUKI Michiko Ex-Executive Director, Student Exchange Department, Japan Student Services Organization
Executive Director UEOKU Yoshikazu President of JAOS
Executive Secretary・
Special Auditor
HAYASHI Ryuki Councillor of JAOS
Board TSUBUKI Kazuharu President of SASC
Board MANABE Masateru Vice President of JAOS
Board NAKAMURA Masanori Lawyer
Board NAKANO Shinya Certified Accountant
Consultant SAKAI Masanori Board・Executive Secretary of SASC
Special Auditor KAWAMURA Kiyoshi Certified Public Tax Accountant

The J-CROSS Mark of Certification


Japan Commission for the Regulation of Overseas Study Services (J-CROSS)
7F, 6-46 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku, Tokyo, JAPAN 162-0825
e-mail: contact@jcross.or.jp